This was one weekend of April when my friend, out of the blue, sent a message to say,
"Are you free? Let's go to the beach!". Being my rest day and all, I was half glued to the bed in between wanting to stay and wanting to make my weekend mean something. So off we go~
We set off late with no clear plan other than a list of food to buy and a rough direction to the place. haha. I find it's easy to be brave when you have someone else to share your confusion.
Besides the most uncommon of paths often lead to more interesting experiences. You miss out on the usual sights that everyone has already seen but you get to see the other side of it, one only few get to see. Misadventures, getting lost, or finding yourself on a boat ride in the dead of night. With stars above, a laughing friend beside you holding your hand tight because she's just as scared and amazed as you, wind on our faces, and moonlight reflections on the deep dark waters below you.
Who's to say if maybe we have just seen the other side of perfect.