Live an inspired life

Make plans. Don't settle on plan A. Explore plans B to Z. We have plenty of time and life is filled with many possibilities. Be open to change and failures. Say YES often, you never know where that yes will lead you. ;)

Live the life you love. Love the life you live. - Bob Marley

Life recently... #34

Life is...

Good and I am very blessed. I have learned the proper places of things. Acceptance is the key. Some may call it tolerance but I have learned to stop the victim-mentality. I am in charge of my choices. :)

Work is...

Excruciating. I still have 3 more months to go. Hang in there you!! (lol my lack-of-sleep face)


Was just at the DFA office, finally got around to getting my papers settled. Get ready 2015. #wanderlust

Prodigal daughter returns. Nihongo benkyou shimasu! がんばてます。

Wandering around...

Art galleries. Note to self: Always bring your camera!

Silent mode exhibit by Rey Aurelio at Art Center, SM Megamall A, 4th flr.

Invest in yourself

How many times have I found myself frustrated thinking about my life's endless possibilities. What do I choose? Who will I become? Though I believe that we must "Focus on one thing and do it well.", fortunately we have plenty of time to try and learn as much as we can. So go ahead and invest in yourself. Learn everything and spend a lifetime being good at the things that truly inspire you.

I'm back to studying Nihongo!!! (^-^)/
This time I'm going to see through it till the end. #determined