Yes I killed my plants again so I bought new ones. *sobs* Anyway I know what not to do. I hope they stay alive longer.
I love Bromeliads! haha I bought another one but in a different variety. The seller said it's a new breed. He talked me into buying this one. He said even if the flower died after 3 or so months, the foliage is just as pretty.
I finally found a pretty Foliage plant. It's called Dieffenbachia. Love the name! *lol* It stands out in our red living room and my brown ceramic vase. They're meant to be! haha
Warning this is a poisonous plant if ingested, so don't buy it if you have little kids and pets around. If you're going to handle the plant's sap, wash your hands after.
I only bought one African Violet this time. I decided against a mini greenhouse because I have no place for it. ತ_ತ Instead I put this one on the bathroom. I hope it's humid enough.
Silly me I forgot to ask the store name where I bought the Bromeliad & Dieffenbachia. It's inside a big tent, the 2nd shop you walk into. They have nice (and clean) plants. The other small shops don't bother cleaning their plants. :( Look at my African Violet. But I found this method of cleaning to be slightly effective. I'm gonna go at it again. I think they are just layers of dirt so with continues cleaning they're going to be pretty again! :)