I stumbled into the Sofia Coppola world because of Kirsten Dunst. I was slightly obsessed with her as a teenager. I watched ALL of her films. But this one stuck to me because it was the kind of film I like - dreamy and melancholic. And the music too adds to the dreamy landscape of the movie. But whether or not there's a definite conclusion was not important, sometimes I think I like these kind of films because I like the frustration I get from not knowing. I'm weird like that, I like to suffer. *lolz*
In college, I remember paying someone 150php to download and burn this movie into a DVD. I watched it over and over again until I got sick of it. Not sure where that DVD is now. I must have lost it from the countless times I moved apartments. I used to have the book too, but someone borrowed it and never returned it. (I hate when this happens.)
Based on the novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, the film narrates the events surrounding the suicides of five sisters in the suburb of Detroit during the 1970s. After the youngest sister makes an initial attempt at suicide, the sisters are put under close scrutiny by their parents, eventually being put into near-confinement, which leads to increasingly depressive and isolated behaviour. - wiki
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