One such fictional sageuk drama* is a novel adaptation written by the same author of Sungkyunkwan Scandal**.
The Moon That Embraces the Sun is about the young love between the Crown Prince & Yeon Woo, daughter of a nobleman. They are to become the Crown prince and princess. Due to political struggles within the palace Yeon Woo was entrapped and consequently put to death. She was secretly saved by a powerful Shaman and has since lived as a shaman herself without any memory of her past.
So that's the basic plot. I'm currently at episode 5 (I've resorted to watching raw/unsubbed episodes just to get my fix
^ (30 second trailer)
^ (Warning! This is a fanmade MV and contain spoilers, as it shows a scenes from episode 1-5.)
That's it for now.~ I shall spazz/rant after watching some more. (
The Moon that Embraces the Sun update (thoughts about the ending etc.,) *SPOILER*
PS: yey I found a super generous person translating the book! There were a lot of things different between the book and this drama adaptation. Hwon (crown prince/King) is actually really annoying in the first chapter. pft! Still I look forward to the translations. Thanks belectricground :)
*sageuk = historical drama // **source
Links: DAwiki + asianwiki + photo credits 1 • 2 + watch here or here
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