The Moth podcast

I found this podcast shared by one of my friends on twitter. But I forgot who it was sorry I can't credit you at the moment. ( ̄◇ ̄)ゞ

I think it's because I watch videos all the time, I miss just listening to someone talk. I love that this podcast celebrates the art of simple but powerful everyday stories. Some stories are funny, some are meant to inspire, while some will make you cry.

The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling.

Here are some of my favorites from the filmed series of The Moth.

▲ After landing her dream job in Paris, Joan Juliet Buck, the new editor of French Vogue, is haunted in her dream apartment.

Joan Juliet Buck is an American born writer, social critic, and performer, who also edited Paris VOGUE for seven years. She has also appeared in several films and documentaries, and is the co-founder of wowowow, a daily internet website created for "fabulous women of substance."

There are more behind the cut and also from iTunes (you can download those on the links below *scroll* *scroll* )

▲ A Irish Catholic family lovingly spies on the Kennedy compound from afar.

▲ Sneaking cigarettes on the job has fiery consequences.

After a twenty year career in the theater, Dave Mowers became a psychotherapist working with trauma patients.

▲ A man navigates the medical system with humor.

Andy Borowitz is a comedian and writer whose work appears in The New Yorker and at his satirical website, He became the principal host of The Moth in 1999. He is the editor of a new book, The 50 Funniest American Writers: An Anthology of Humor From Mark Twain to The Onion.

▲ When attending a wedding, Spero is shocked by the increasingly bizarre behavior of two fellow guests.

Wendy Spero is an actress, writer and comedian.

Maybe because I'm in a similar state of mind. I loved these two the most (and another one from the iTunes podcast "Mishka Subaly; Shipwrecked").

▲ Dreams of what might have been plague a man during a road trip.

Tom Weiser lives in a Buddhist household in Boulder, Colorado, where he practices tai chi and meditation, and teaches Alexander Technique and improvisational singing. His essays have been featured on NPR and in Newsweek.

▲ Returning home to small-town Indiana, a young woman finds work caring for an unlikely (and challenging) patient.

These two stories made me cry ( T_T)人(T_T ) Bring out them tissues.

▲ Having survived a random, brutal and almost deadly gang attack in NYC, Ed Gavagan decides he'll head back home to Wyoming to recuperate.

▲ A comic must earn his living as a clown while suffering the ultimate heartbreak.

Anthony Griffith lives in the mountains of California at 5,000 feet elevation in an animal protected community. It's much different from the inner city of Chicago where he used to live, but he still travels doing stand-up.

Get new updates via The Moth feed or The Moth iTunes.

This post is part of the Musings series where I share stories of inspiring people, culture, concepts and beliefs.

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