Seize the day!

At some point in our lives we all put up a facade of how happy we all live, how interesting our lives are, how life is just oh so perfect. At the end of the day you're still you and if everything is just for show, what kind of life are you really living?

Shed your masks. Cast them away. Really live your life. :)

So I'm finally back! I come back refreshed and with a better mindset about this blogging thing and with my life in general. I used to blog what I wanted to do and what I forced myself to do. Now.....I'm writing what I did and more importantly how passionately I pursued it. ;)

Grow where you are planted

Often I find myself complaining about my job, of various little things I feel discontent with. I fail to notice that I am where I am because that is where I need to be at the moment. That I always have the power to remove the invisible shackles I (or society) put on myself. I am not a victim.
I am the Master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul.
Don't settle. Move forward but don't forget to grow where you are planted. :)

Solo Baguio trip July 2014

Sorry for the crickets on this blog. Haha. It's not because I have nothing to write. I just prefer to live my life each day rather than write about it. Plus I barely use my laptop for anything other than downloading songs and watching movies. I'm always on my phone.

Seriously thinking of switching to tumblr. Photos uploaded using the blogger app look wonky and tumblr is just so much easier to update. ( >.<) I'll fix this blog soon.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from my Baguio trip last July. ;) First time in a long while to travel solo. I missed the quiet panic of not relying on anyone but your own guts.

I made sure to experience the art and culture side of Baguio rather than the tourist attractions.