Every year at this time I am reminded how quickly time passes. This time last year I was having a really tough time and attending these film festivals was my therapy of sorts – somehow my worries then seem so naive when I think about it now. It is a curious feeling remembering your old self like they're separate from you. It sure is nostalgic.
But I digress, so – once again it is time for
Eiga Sai.

I have attended this festival for
4 years now – and have amassed quite a lot of movies on my hard drive – which further validates how hooked I am on Japanese movies . :p My favorite genre are the ones with simple story-lines where nothing much really happens in the story – perfect example is
Tamako in Moratorium. It's like watching snippets of someone's life – it is that gut wrenching slowness of life filled with emotion and drama mixed with good cinematography that has me coming back for more. ♪( ^-^)/
On with the lineup, hmn this year looks promising. .....
Wood Job is a coming of age film about Yuki Hirano who failed his college entrance exam and decides to enter the forestry service. Expect comedy and light drama. What I find engaging in stories like this is the celebration towards an unconventional career path (i.e. employee, lawyer, nurse, etc.) basically if you have a talent and heart for something and you do that work the best that you can (concept of
Kodawari) then you are living a good life. Maybe because I also view my future in this way, they remind me to keep going and to walk my own path. (
Parasyte is a sci-film film about alien parasites infecting humans and invading their bodies and minds. One boy is able to fight it off and now the parasite lives on his right hand. Japanese mystery films (and even their drama series) are really good – they come up with bizarre plot lines and next thing you know you're in for an interesting ride. You never know how the story will twist and turn. So this is a definite must-watch. (