Decorating diary #3: My mori bedroom

Botanical illustration - HeyLadySpring

Open window - HeyLadySpring

My work area - HeyLadySpring

My work area - HeyLadySpring

Personal library - HeyLadySpring

trinkets - HeyLadySpring

Crochet table cover - HeyLadySpring

 one. two. vintage botanical illustrations
four. Wandering Jew trailing plant
six. Marimo painting, Indian trinket box from Mom, and my favorite accessories
seven. thrifted crochet-embroidered table cover

And so here it is, my Mori girl inspired work area / mini library.♪( ^-^)/

I thought it will take me months before I can start on this project.
It turns out there wasn't much I could do with the space! Oh well I tried my best with what I had. (^-^)ゞ

Lots more to do!~

Still~ I regret having chosen black for the bookshelf as I had a different vision for my room when we were renovating. I suppose I could change it after a few years. It's just a wallpaper-type-sticker anyway (forgot what it's called).

Also a new problem I'm dealing with—my room is slightly on our sister tower's line of view. It's nearly finished. I can see people working on our level...and well...they can see me. (¬_¬) I could just keep the curtains closed all day but as it is the only source of natural light in my place, it would have been better if I could open it all the way. I have no other choice about this matter though, so I'm really just ranting. *lol* (^ー^)

So what do you think of my work area?


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