BC Bloggers Meme: Things that make me happy

I found my old journal while I was cleaning my bedroom the other day. It's amazing how a couple of years can mean. (1) The things I used to love...the plans I used to have...has become a thing of the past. Reading through I was reminded of my old self that I forgot whether by choice or due to time. Some parts need to be brought back..the others...I feel are no longer important.

"Letters are just pieces of paper," I said. "Burn them, and what stays in your heart will stay; keep them, and what vanishes will vanish."
― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Still...under all those self-imagery some things stay the same. Right?

a blue sky

I still love the big blue sky...

book haul

the smell of paper & books...

art supplies

lurking at art supply stores...

Sundae dessert

sugar rush!

Raindrop on glass

and rainy season (ノ^^)ノ☆ヘ(^^ヘ)

our empty farm house

And lately~ planning our future garden...  

my nephew buying dirty ice cream

spending time with my cousin's children. Not having any sibling, I will never have a nephew/niece to dote on. Nakiki-pamangkin na lang ako

African Violet

raising plants (I'm so sorry that I end up killing some of you ಥ﹏ಥ)...

Ceramic decor at Dapitan arcade

trips to home decor stores...

Valerie Chua postcard

and accumulating pretty things.~ (postcard by Valerie Chua ♥)

Heeeee I put on the drama hat again.  (ノ゜-゜)ノ kekeke (^ε^)
Old memories flooding back *sniff*.
Also, I had a convo with Maan about the stuff we used to do and she said we might have just outgrown them. *sniff*

Oh and it's hard to miss but I've finally decided to join the meme bandwagon. (#`ε´#) I passed off a few good ones before because I feel they're out of place on this blog. Does it look out of place?? So anyway, here is my first meme sponsored by Sanna of Woman Scribbles. Thanks to the BC Bloggers community I am enjoying talking to fellow bloggers and learning new things. (v^-')★


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