Life recently... #25

The last two weeks had not been productive. My sleeping pattern is messed up so I sleep or zone out at odd hours. And I'm glued to the computer again, watching marathons of We Got Married videos I downloaded recently. Why I'm obsessing about fake virtual married couples has no explanation except that they're just so entertaining to watch! ♪( ^-^)/

I better snap back to reality soon because this blog is running out of queued posts! *laughs* And I need to finish my reading list this month and start on another craft project. Fighting fighting ya ya ya (。◕‿‿◕。)ノシ

New craft materials -

one. Went on a shopping frenzy again. *lol*

Origami paper cranes -

two. a new craft obsession. Origami paper cranes!

GoUSTe for Cheerdance 2012 -

GoUSTe! Tigers Win! Cheerdance 2012 -

three. UAAP Cheerdance this Saturday (Sept.22). Tickets start selling tomorrow :D

Wall photos  -

four. Missing my friends

Re-arranged my work space -

five. Tried to re-arrange my work desk so I don't have to dump my craft stuff on the bed. ( ̄◇ ̄)ゞ But slowly it returned back to its normal messy state. So my bed is still = craft space. Maybe I should just give up on this space and find somewhere else to put my craft materials.